In an article published by Reuters, a study has found that more than a third of U.S. technology workers would accept pay cuts of up to 10 percent to work from home and avoid the expense of commuting to the office.

The study which was conducted by Dice Holdings survyed 1500 technology workers. I wonder if the same would apply here in Australia? I have posted a poll on whirlpool to see if we get similar results. I will publish the results in a few weeks.

I think this is a topical subject considering one of the advantages of the NBN would be to enable teleworking, thus reducing traffic loads on our roads and public transport. The flow on has impacts on investment savings in transport infrastructure and lowering the carbon footprint of our community habbits.


At 18 June, 2008 20:45 Anonymous said...

Pay cut will not affect the working working from home. Working from home give us more freedown with little control from the boss.

At 20 June, 2008 09:00 Anonymous said...

Why would a pay cut be needed at all? I will admin my own PC no support needed, can use a hot-desk on the days I need to go into the office so less space needed, enjoy my own tea/coffee at home ... I would be saving the company money, and they want me to take a pay cut?!?

At 21 June, 2008 09:25 Stephen Davies said...

I opened a poll on regarding this question.

Seems the petrol price and housing crisis are starting to bite hard.

Currently the poll has had 275 votes with 58% of respondents says yes to a 10% pay cut if they could work from home.

Several more have posted they would not take a 10% cut, but perhaps a 5% cut.


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