A company in South Africa has found that using a carrier pigeon to send large amounts of data is faster than using the broadband connection they have.

The carrier pigeon called Winston was used after an employee of the IT company based in Durban complained about the broadband speed (broadband speed test) they had and commented that it would be faster by carrier pigeon. With this thought this was how the race between the ADSL and the carrier pigeon started to get wings.

The company attached the pigeon with a 4GB memory stick and also started the transfer via the broadband connection to their call center which was 60 miles away.

It took Winston around 1 hour 6 minutes to arrive at the call center and then another hour for the data to be transferred into the system, in total it took 2 hours 7 minutes. By this time the ADSL broadband Internet connection was only on 4% complete meaning that the carrier pigeon won by a huge margin!

The race was hugely popular with live updates of the race appearing on Facebook and Twitter as well as Winstons own website www.pigeonrace2009.co.za

Rules were applied to the race which included “no cats allowed” and “birdseed must not have any performance enhancing seeds within”.

Source: http://www.broadbandwatchdog.co.uk/


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