According to an article by James Hutchinson from ITnews, NBN Co will start to trial deployment of services to new housing estates from August 8 this year. Interesting use of the term trial, because I am sure the developers are expecting full services to be available from NBN Co, at least that is what I have heard from developers.

I have also been reliably informed that at the recently access providers meeting with NBNco, they have been told telephone services for these new sites will not be available as yet with no specific date given for when telephone services will be made available. Its going to be interesting for all those wanting alarm services or medical monitoring. 


At 15 July, 2011 08:40 Anonymous said...

Stephen - At one of their spin sessions I recently asked NBN Co staff when they could do voice properly - as in independently per channel. Apparently that is still to come in a future release of the Alcatel equipment !.


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