Benoit Felton, Yankie Group Analyst and one of our members of the Fibre Ring was recently invited to a conference in New Zealand last week called "Broadband at a Crossroads".

His talk was on Open Access - particularly of FTTH - and why it makes economic sense to open up the network to competitors, but more important to ensure retailers are treated with equality by not retailing on the network yourself.

If you dont have the 35minutes to watch it all here as some important points of interest:

10:30min - "its a lot more cheaper to run a fibre network than a copper network"

13:35min - the beginning of his definition of Open Access.

22:45min - a new Open Access Model. Confirms the model I have described in the past.


At 09 March, 2009 20:51 BenoƮt Felten said...


Thanks for the plug.

If your readers don't have 35mn to watch they're unlikely to have 2hrs to download (which is how long it took for me) so I've put everything up in youtube:


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